Fattening Special

PRODUCT Special Engorde Fertilizer solution with amino acids of plant origin, together with enzymatic activators that act on the RuBisCO, catalyst of the first and most important step of the Calvin cycle, in the fixation of CO2 to an organic form. With the optimal conditions of temperature and soil moisture, the use of Dull Special Engorde accelerates the size and weight of the fruit. Foliar use of the product with optimal prior nutrition is recommended.
COMPOSITION pH 7.2 Free amino acids 2.3% Total nitrogen 1.1% Ammoniacal nitrogen 0.7% Organic nitrogen 0.4% Water soluble calcium oxide (CaO) 1.6% Magnesium oxide (MgO) soluble in Water 0.8% Packaging: 10L, 20L, 1000L.
DOSE Irrigation: 5L / Ha Foliar: 2-5cc / Liter. In horticultural. Foliar: 5cc / Liter. In fruit trees




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